Mobility & Materials Business – Filaments Joins Celanese Family
M&M – Filaments uniquely complements Celanese Engineered Materials’ specialty portfolio. Together we are poised to unlock significant value for our customers, employees and shareholders. To learn more about Celanese Engineered Materials go to Engineered Materials and Solutions | Celanese

As an Inventor of world's first ever synthetic filament in 1938, our journey of providing premium quality toothbrush filaments for the past 84 years still continuing with the introduction of new innovative offerings each year to reflect the imaginations and aspirations of marketers, brand owners and consumers.

Tynex® Filaments are synonymous with beauty and cosmetic industry for ages. Most of the prominent brands of cosmetic industry role out new launches as per the market demand using innovations. Tynex filaments are technically designed to meet the imagination of every brush designers across the world interms of powder/paint pick-up, application smoothness and uniform laydown. We makes cosmetic filaments for the nail paint, interdental, mascara, eye liner and make-up brush applications.