Tynex® Embossed Filaments

Superior Bend Recovery, Excellent Wear Performance, FDA Approved Colors, Proprietary Surface Finish, Excellent Color Consistency, Outstanding Light Reflection, Better tooth paste Pick-up, Embossing Technology.


Color: 15 Colors, Colors available in galaxy and brilliance also; Diameter 7Mil to 10 Mil (0.178mm to 0.254mm).

46 Inches (1168mm) Hank, Cut pieces (16mm – 55mm)

Key Benefits                             
Excellent Cleaning efficiency, Longer brush life, Hygienic, Excellent Productivity, Attractive Colors, Higher Productivity, Matchless Brushing comfort, Attractive, Better cleaning, Better teeth scrubbing.

Toothbrush Application for the Premium and Super Premium Segments, Special brushes for active cleaning and scrubbing.

Unique Selling Proposition   
Attractive filaments with better cleaning and Scrubbing.

– Available


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